Thank you — Eighth General Assembly and Conference, Bath, 8–11 June 2003 — EASE-Forum — Science Editors’ Handbook — Annual General Meeting, Paris — Moira has moved, again — Peter Lomax — Contributions for the next issue
An authors’ and editors’ problem. Tom van Loon, Hervé Maisonneuve
Current peer review policy needs improving. Shuang-ming SONG
Publishing short articles in the print journal and full articles on the Web? The BMJ is doing it with most re search papers. Marcus Müllner
Call for papers: Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. DING Guang-Sheng
What is the editor’s role? Annual conference of the Editors’ Association of Canada/Association canadienne des réviseurs. Gilles Vilasco
The Cotswold Wayz goose: Society of Indexers annual conference. Chris tine Shuttleworth
Recorded in nature — revealed in words: joint meeting of AESE and EASE. Pehr H. Enckell
September to December 2002. Arjan Polderman (compiler)
Joining the forum (new instructions) — Seeking help and information — Guidelines
C.C. Hyde, E. Seneta (eds): Statisticians of the centuries
H.A. David, A.W.F. Ed wards: Annotated readings in the history of statistics
(reviewed by Ed ward J. Huth)
Jennifer Peat, Elizabeth Elliott, Louise Baur, Victoria Keena: Scientific writing: easy when you know how (reviewed by John Kirkman)
Jacob Goldenberg, David Mazursky: Creativity in product innovation (reviewed by Robert Gwilliam)
The Editors’ WebWatch (Moira Vekony): Margaret Cooter, Paola De Castro, Liza Furnival, John Glen, Bruce Squires, Moira Vekony
News Notes. Margaret Cooter
Forth coming meetings, courses and BELS exams
The Editor’s Book shelf. Jean Shaw
Member ship list additions and changes
Instructions to authors contributing to European Science Editing
Membership of EASE [membership information/application form]