February 2008; 34(1)


Who are you, Editors? Marcin Kozak


Relationship between publication cycle and impact factor in Chinese medical journals. LIU Xue-li, ZHOU Zhi-xin, DONG Jian-jun


OJS and OCS: upgrading journals, conferences, and scholarly communications to Open Access. Andrea Marchitelli
Our culture is changing rapidly, and so is the culture of science editing. Federica Napolitani, Paola De Castro

Reports of meetings

Research integrity and the role of journals. Arjan Polderman
Building bridges, constructing networks: METM 07. Marije de Jager

Editing around the world

Biomedical scientific publishing – the modern conquest of Scandinavian Vikings. Josef Milerad

From the literature

Consort for abstracts. Liz Wager and Sally Hopewell

Book reviews

By Hook or by Crook: A Journey in Search of English. Julian Philpot
John and Laura Cox: Scholarly Publishing Practice, Second Survey. Liz Wager


IATE: sharing European Union Specific terminology in 23 languages. Paola De Castro

Regular features

EASE-Forum Digest, October-December 2007. Elise Langdon-Neuner (compiler)
The Editors’  WebWatch. Colin Batchelor (compiler)
News Notes. Richard Hurley
Forthcoming meetings, courses and BELS examinations
The Editor’s Bookshelf. Paola De Castro (compiler)

EASE Business

EASE and ESOF2008
Profile: Jenny Gretton
SfEP/EASE reciprocal membership
President’s Report, 2006-2007
Membership changes