February 2009; 35(1)


A taxonomy of editors. Arjan Polderman


How well do structured abstracts reflect the articles they summarize? Philip J Peacock, Tim J Peters, Janet L Peacock
Self-archiving, metrics, and mandates. Stevan Harnad


English – whose responsibility? John G Taylor
The author thanks the anonymous referees for their valuable comments. Marcin Kozak

Editing around the world

Transition to on-line journal management – how we switched to Open Journal System and stopped worrying. Teo Matković

Reports of meetings

Anglo-German Medical Society. Birte Twisselmann
EMAME regional conference. Farrokh Habibzadeh
Communication support across the disciplines: METM08. Marije de Jager
Ensuring research integrity in biomedical publishing: ALPSP/COPE seminar. Gary Bryan
Implementing research integrity guidelines: ESF. Emma Campbell

Regular features

EASE-Forum Digest, October to December 2008. Elise Langdon-Neuner (compiler)
My Life as an Editor: John Glen
The Editors'  WebWatch. Colin Batchelor (compiler)
News Notes. Richard Hurley (compiler)
The Editor's Bookshelf. Penny Hubbard and Paola De Castro (compilers)
Forthcoming meetings, courses, and BELS examinations

EASE business

Conference Update
EASE Members' News
EASE Register of Training Courses in Science Writing and Editing
Website Visitor Report

Occasional features

When I Use a Word: The very last word. Jeff Aronson
Technical Tips:  Synchronizing files on different computers. Karl Sharrock