February 2010; 36(1)


The President’s outlook. Joan Marsh

Essays in editing

From hermit to Hermes: a researcher learning the media game. Tarja Ketola
Errors in the science literature: avoidance and correction. David L Vaux
Promoting integrity in scientific publications at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Paola De Castro, Federica Napolitani, Elisabetta Poltronieri, Anna Maria Rossi, Sandra Salinetti

Editing around the world

Scientific, technical, and medical journal publishing in China– issues and prospects. Qian LIU, Tzu-Heng CHIU, Jianrong YU, Jack JIA


Making it into Medline: a case report. Sandy Goldbeck-Wood, Christopher Baethge

Reports of meetings

Managing a journal editorial office. Arjan Polderman
METM09: Translation, editing, writing: broadening the scope and setting limits (Marije de Jager)


On turning posters upside down. David Alexander and others; Linus Svensson; Carol Norris
Textual familiarity, structured abstracts, and reading performance. Françoise Salager-Meyer

Regular features

EASE-Forum Digest, September to December 2009. Elise Langdon-Neuner (compiler)
My Life as an Editor: Elisabeth Kessler
This Site I Like: Getting to grips with your PDFs. Emma E Doyle
News Notes. Richard Hurley (compiler)
The Editor’s Bookshelf. Penny Hubbard and Paola De Castro (compilers)
Forthcoming meetings, courses, and BELS examinations
EASE business (inside back cover)