May 2005; 31(2)


Editing in a changing world: continuing education opportunities for editors. Elisabeth Kessler


EASE work shops on science communication. Elisabeth Heseltine

Improving that title: the effect of colons. James Hartley

Editing around the world

Development of the biomedical press in modern Russia. Eugene V Roitman

From the literature

What can editors do if they suspect research misconduct? Liz Wager

Report of meeting

Committee on Publication Ethics: Seminar 2005. Pritpal S Tamber


Editorials . . . and controversy. Marie-Louise Desbarats-Schönbaum

EASE on the internet. Maeve O’Connor

EASE-Forum di gest

De cem ber 2004–March 2005. Elise Langdon-Neuner (com piler)

Book reviews

Thomas F Babor, Kerstin Stenius, Su san Savva (eds): Publishing addiction

science: a guide for the perplexed (reviewed by Bob Huggan)

Albert Jack: Red herrings and white elephants (reviewed by John Kirk man)

Joaa Magueijo: Faster than the speed of light (reviewed by RB Gwilliam)

Regular features

The Editors’ WebWatch. Moira Vekony

News Notes. Margaret Cooter

News from editing societies. Jane Sykes

Forth coming meetings, courses and BELS ex aminations

The Editor’s Book shelf. Jane Moody

Member ship list additions and changes

Member ship of EASE [membership information]