November 2008; 34(4)

From the Editors' desks


European science editors – who are we? Stuart Handysides 


Let them write English. Elise Langdon-Neuner


A call from a non-native English speaker: don’t look at my affiliation. Marcin Kozak
Responses from Marge Berer, Ed Hull, John R Benfield, Karen Shashok, Stuart Handysides, Natasha Cohen, Yateen Joshi, Margaret Corbett, Kersti Wagstaff, James Hartley

Editing around the world

The Africa Journals Partnership Project. Muza Gondwe 

Reports of meetings

Science for a better life: ESOF 2008. Joan Marsh, Arjan Polderman
Towards a new information space – innovations and renovations: 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries. Federica Napolitani

Regular features

EASE-Forum Digest, June-September 2008. Elise Langdon-Neuner (compiler)
The Editors’  WebWatch. Colin Batchelor (compiler)
News Notes. Richard Hurley
The Editor’s Bookshelf. Paola De Castro (compiler)
Forthcoming Meetings, Courses, and BELS examinations


EASE Business

Reports of EASE meetings
Membership changes
EASE members’ news
Plans for Pisa
EASE Register of Training Courses in Science Writing and Editing
Contributing to European Science Editing



Good Publication Practice
Photos from ESOF
From the archive
Promoting EASE