November 2010; 36(4)


Readers prefer structured abstracts to end with the conclusions. James Hartley, Lucy R Betts

Essays in editing

Toward a common standard for conflict of interest disclosure policies for scientific and medical journals. Thomas F Babor
Correction: Handling plagiarism at the editor’s desk

Editing around the world

Medical journal editors’ association in the Western Pacific region. Jeong-Wook Seo


Information discordance in reprints on cancers in “the elderly”. Wilson I B Onuigbo
Good editorial practice – a defence against email scams. Roderick Hunt

Reports from meetings

Misconduct in science communication and the role of editors as science gatekeepers. Silvia Maina
ESOF: a showcase for European science. Calum MacKichan
Promoting editorial capacity in psychiatric journals in lower and middle income countries. Christopher P Szabo, Christian Kieling, Jair de Jesus Mari, Helen Herrman

Book reviews

MF Fathalla, MMF Fathalla: A Practical Guide for Health Researchers. Fazal Ghani
Thomas F Babor et al: Publishing Addiction Science : A Guide for the Perplexed. Ed Hull
Hilary Glasman-Deal: Scientific Research Writing: A Guide for Non-native Speakers of English. Denys Wheatley


Setting the scene for scientific discourse. Stuart Handysides

Regular features

EASE-Forum Digest, June to September 2010. Elise Langdon Neuner (compiler)
My Life as an Editor: Paola De Castro
This Site I Like: Preventing avoidable chronic disease. Helena Korjonen
News Notes. Lionel Browne and John Hilton (compilers)
The Editor’s Bookshelf. Anna Maria Rossi and Penny Hubbard (compilers)
Forthcoming meetings, courses, and BELS examinations
EASE business
EASE training course; EASE in the news; Sponsorship of Guidelines; Membership update