Matt Hodgkinson

Research Integrity Specialist, United Kingdom

EASE roles: EASE Director, Treasurer and Company Secretary; Council member; Finance Committee.

Email: [email protected]


It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

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Treasurer and Company Secretary

As Treasurer and Company Secretary of EASE I oversee the finances of the Association and the Journal. I work closely with the EASE secretary to ensure the day-to-day running of the Association happens smoothly. I am responsible for presenting the finances to the AGM each year and ensuring the accounts are safely deposited with Companies House in the UK. I sit on the Finance Committee and as such assess and recommend investment decisions to the Council.

EASE UKRIO joint panel discussion for Peer Review Week 2022

'How can peer review support research integrity?'

I organised for EASE and UKRIO to join forces to host a panel discussion for Peer Review Week 2022, entitled ‘How can peer review support research integrity?’.

In this session, speakers brought the perspective of journals, researchers and institutions and shared their experience handling integrity cases and discussed the role of peer review in driving integrity and trust in research.

Matt Hodgkinson, Research Integrity Manager at UKRIO and EASE Council, chaired the panel with contributions from: Gowri Gopalakrishna, Amsterdam University Medical Center; John Carlisle, ‘Data Detective’ Anaesthetist NHS Hospital, Torquay, UK; Magdalena Morawska, Research Policy and Governance Officer, UCL and Caroline Porter, SAGE Publishing. Over 150 people attended. View the recording.

A bit about me…

I have been a Council member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) since 2020, and EASE Treasurer since 2021.

After finishing my Masters in Cambridge, I started in Open Access journal publishing in 2003 as an editor handling peer review on the BMC series with BioMed Central in London. I became a Senior Editor and Publishing Editor, managed a team of Assistant Editors, worked on the journals BMC Biology and Trials, and launched BMC Medical GenomicsBMC Research Notes, and BMC Systems Biology. I moved to the Public Library of Science in Cambridge in 2010, as an Associate Editor and then Senior Editor on PLOS ONE, screening submissions, helping academic editors with difficult manuscripts, training editors in critical appraisal, and working on clinical trials, article-level metrics, commenting, publication ethics, and reporting guidelines.

More recently I have been Head of Research Integrity at Hindawi and then a Research Integrity Manager with UKRIO.