Cath Jex, editor in chief GEUS Bulletin

Catherine Jex

Editor in Chief
GEUS Bulletin


Scientific editor with 8+ years experience in online journalism and scholarly publishing, and 6+ years postdoc research.

I believe that all science deserves to be communicated. My passion is to help scientists do just that. Because there are no alternative facts.

I am originally from the UK, but I now live and work in Denmark as Editor in Chief of the GEUS Bulletin – the open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). We publish articles, map descriptions, thematic issues and monographs on all topics in geoscience, geology and climate science in Denmark, Greenland, and the Arctic.

I obtained my PhD in paleoclimatology (historical climate change) in 2008. Since then, I have peer-reviewed and authored articles in internationally recognised scientific journals and grant proposals as a research scientist. I have substantial experience in editing of scientific manuscripts, writing and editing for popular science media outlets and translating Danish to English.