Dilek Ural

Professor, full faculty
Department of Cardiology, Koç University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul


Prof Dilek Ural graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine in 1991 and completed her residency in Cardiology at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine. She worked at Kocaeli University School of Medicine between 1997 and 2016, and served as Director of the Internal Medicine Division, Director of the Cardiology Department and Director of the Experimental and Clinical Research Center. She joined Koç University in 2016. Prof. Dr. Dilek Ural has more than 200 articles published in national and international journals, wrote a clinical cardiology book and 5 book chapters published in different cardiology books. Her main areas of interest are the treatment of heart failure, hypertension and dyslipidemia.

Dr. Dilek Ural is a Fellow of the European Cardiology Society, Heart Failure Asccociation, European Atherosclerosis Society and Turkish Society of Cardiology. She was European Heart Disease Prevention Coordinator of the Turkish Society of Cardiology between 2013-2018 and editor-in-chief of the Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology.