Hristina Prodanova

Managing Editor
Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society


I am a physical geographer working in the fields of landscape ecology, ecosystem services, modeling, and spatial analyses.

Years ago, before I decide to start a scientific career, I graduated from a High school in Fine Arts with the specialty “Illustration and Book design”. Thus, helped me later to contribute to the Bulgarian scientific editing process.

I have 5 years of experience now as a graphic designer, layout, and managing editor in academic publishing. Over the years, I have edited 1 book, several newsletters, 10 journal issues, and more than 100 articles. Currently, I am the Managing Editor of the “Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society”, ISSN 2738-8115 (online) | ISSN 2738-8107 (print): In February 2023 I become a member of the Editorial board of the Indonesian journal “Jambura Geoscience Review”.

Apart from the editorial work, I spend time supporting other journals with peer-reviewing. I have reviewed manuscripts for Ecological Indicators, One Ecosystem, the European Journal of Geography, and BioRisk.

I am a co-lecturer of a course on scientific writing at the Educational Center of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.