NISO Guidelines for Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has released new guidelines on the effective communication of retractions, removals, and expressions of concern (CREC).

Publications may be retracted or removed, or expressions of concern (EoCs) may be issued, for a broad range of reasons, including research misconduct and serious error. While retractions are valuable mechanisms by which to correct the scientific and scholarly record, correcting the record requires that these decisions be clearly communicated and broadly understood. Unclear and inconsistent representation of the retracted status of published works may ultimately contribute to continued uncritical use of these invalidated publications in the scholarly literature.

This new guideline aims to establish standardised best practices for metadata creation, transfer, and display for both the original publication and the statement of retraction, removal, or EoC, with the goal of facilitating the timely and efficient communication of information to all relevant stakeholders.

Read more and download the guidelines from the NISO website: