Countering helicopter research with equitable partnerships

An interesting announcement from Lancet Global Health on ethics in research condiction and reporting. “We strongly believe that control and leadership of global health research should be in the hands of academics, clinicians, and communities in the locations of study”, state the authors of the paper. The so-called “Helicopter research” or “parachute research” or “parasitic research”, they explain, is when researchers from high-income countries arrive in a low-income or middle-income country, conduct a study without involving researchers based in that country, then leave. The Lancet Global Health emphasizes his strong disagreement with this practice, and does not consider we for publication any studies conducted in a country without representatives from that country on the authorship. Besides, they developed the Equitable Partnership Declaration, a form to be published as an appendix alongside research articles that asks detailed questions about the research partnerships in the studies.

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Written by: McIntosh K, Messin L, Jin P, Mullan Z.

Lancet Glob Health. 2023 Jul;11(7):e1007-e1008. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00278-4. PMID: 37349028.