Adopt the SAGER Guidelines

If you wish to adopt the SAGER Guidelines, please use the example text below in your instructions to authors.  

Example text


‘We encourage our authors to follow the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines and to include sex and gender considerations where relevant. Authors should use the terms sex (biological attribute) and gender (shaped by social and cultural circumstances) carefully in order to avoid confusing both terms.

Article titles and/or abstracts should indicate clearly what sex(es) the study applies to. Authors should also describe in the background, whether sex and/or gender differences may be expected; report how sex and/or gender were accounted for in the design of the study; provide disaggregated data by sex and/or gender, where appropriate; and discuss respective results. If a sex and/or gender analysis was not conducted, the rationale should be given in the Discussion. We suggest that our authors consult the full Guidelines before submission.

The Sex and Gender Equity in Research Guidelines

The SAGER Checklist

Both are available in several other languages