Session 7: Digital tools to help

Saturday 3 June 2023 – 9.00am-10.15am (Turkish time)

This session showcased the cutting-edge technology that is revolutionizing the field of scientific publishing. Attendees learnt about the latest advancements in social media usage for scientific journals, the role of artificial intelligence in the editing process, and the importance of identifiers and metadata in the publication process. We consider that this session useful  for anyone interested in the future of scientific publishing and the technologies that are shaping it.


Octavian Andronic

Assistant Professor, Coordinator of BigData Analysis Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy BucharestRomania

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Session 7.1: Social media for scientific journals: keeping up with the times


Camelia Cristina Diaconu

Editor-in-Chief, Archives of the Balkan Medical UnionRomania

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Session 7.2: AI Editing Tools: Threat or Opportunity

AI writing tools are taking over the world. ChatGPT is already the most used app of all time. This presentation covers the key innovations in AI writing and editing and discusses how we can use these tools to create structure for our content. AI tools represent a huge opportunity and should not be viewed as a threat. Recent examples from editing and creative work are used to illustrate key points in this presentation.


Gareth Dyke

Independent consultantHungary

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Session 7.3: The Publication Facts Label: A Digital Tool to Help to Establish the Quality of Scholarly Publishing

To assist people is assessing the trustworthiness of journals’ adherence to best scholarly practices, the Public Knowledge Project is developing and testing a new “Publication Facts Label” (based on the nutrition facts labels that appear on food products around the world), with the goal of inspiring publishers to adopt a standard label to accompany research articles.


John Willinsky

Co-Scientific Director, PKPUnited States

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Session 7.4: Identifiers and metadata as an important part of the publication process

The process of collecting metadata and identifiers as part of the publication process can feel, at worst, like a tick-box exercise. In this session, Rachael talks about how, instead, they’re a key piece of the puzzle to increase the reach of publications and transmit other important information about publications, how that can be used and areas where we as a community (Crossref included!) can do better.


Rachael Lammey

, 67 BricksUnited Kingdom

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