EASE Guidelines, Checklists and Tools

EASE has created several guidelines, checklists and tools which we encourage members and non-members to adopt. All can be accessed from here and our Resources library.

Writing your research paper: tips from EASE editors

Our latest publication, released in July 2024, replaces our flagship EASE resource, EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators. This new version is a fully revised and reimagined edition containing even more practical guidance on writing high quality manuscripts, and up-to-date information for success in the world of modern research publishing.


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The SAGER Guidelines

The SAGER Guidelines (Sex and Gender Equality in Research) were created by the Gender Policy Committee in 2016. They were published in the Open Access journal, BMC Research Integrity and Peer Review Journal.


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The SAGER Checklist

The Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines now have an accompanying SAGER Checklist. It has two versions, one for studies including human participants and one for studies that do not include human participants, such as those using animals and cells. These were developed from the guidelines presented in the original SAGER article, with additional requirements identified by some Lancet journals. They present a convenient list of items to check off when writing, reviewing or editing manuscripts.


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EASE Interactive Checklist for Submitting Authors

Created in 2024, this form for journal editors and publishers combines the individual EASE Form for Authors’ Contributions and Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and the EASE Ethics Checklist for Authors into a single more convenient easy to complete form with check-box responses, up-to-date questions and terminology.


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EASE Form for Authors’ Contributions and Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The EASE Form for Authors’ Contributions and Conflict of Interest Disclosure is intended for use by authors submitting to scientific journals, during or soon after manuscript submission.


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EASE Ethics Checklist for Authors

The EASE Ethics Checklist for Authors (to be signed by the corresponding author) is intended for use by authors submitting to scientific journals during or soon after manuscript submission, to make formal declarations of the ethical integrity of the research, and information on any issues which must be be provided to editorial offices.


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EASE Quick-Check Table for Submissions 

EASE Quick-Check Table for Submissions – a simple table for journals to include at the start of their instructions for authors, which clearly displays the most essential information, e.g. word count, number of keywords, format of tables and figures.


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EASE Standard Retraction Form

EASE Standard Retraction Form – this template helps editors and journal managers understand whether an article meets the pre-requisites for the COPE retraction guidelines.


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Environmental sustainability and scientific publishing: a manifesto

The Environmental manifesto aims to support our members and the wider global community of editors in their efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.


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EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English

The EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators – simple, clear advice aimed at making international scientific communication more efficient.


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See also our publications and resources pages which provide more useful information for the many roles of EASE members, including journal editors, manuscript editors, authors, and reviewers