Jadranka Stojanovski

Associate Professor, University of Zadar, Croatia

EASE roles: EASE Council; Peer Review Committee member; Vice-Chair EASE Croatia

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jadrankastojanovski
X: @jadr4nka


It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

Visit our website to find out more about EASE: our calendar of regular webinars and courses, the benefits of membership, the work of our special interest committees and regional chapters and much more can all be found on the menu above. Head to our Home page now and follow us on our social media channels.

A few of my recent contributions to EASE

Vice-Chair of EASE Croatia

The Croatian Chapter of EASE was established in January 2013 by eleven editors of Croatian journals and HRČAK repository of Croatian OA journals representative. Our aim was to promote collaboration among EASE members and organise training activities for editors and authors in Croatia and the region.

Our ongoing goal is to support the organisation of the annual PUBMET conference on scholarly publishing, to organise workshops and round tables to discuss topics of interest for the Chapter, and also to promote group cohesion and group thinking.

Our aims specifically include:

  • promote the goals and activities of EASE in Croatia
  • promote collaboration of Croatian members with members from other countries
  • give support to editors of Croatian journals
  • organise an annual conference on scholarly communication – PUBMET
  • organise webinars and workshops on topics of interest
  • raise the awareness of the importance of open science and open access in Croatia.

View our events, achievements and resources on our EASE Croatia page.

Peer Review Committee member

Our EASE Peer Review Committee was originally formed in 2016. We are currently a small committee of four, chaired by Mario Malički.

Our vision is to be the knowledge and experience exchange centre for all those interested in scholarly peer review. Our mission is to provide tools, resources, training, and support to the scholarly community on all aspects of scholarly peer review.

Check out our recently created Infographics. Download them and share them on social media. Most of our work at the moment is creating guidelines for our Peer Review Toolkit. We plan to draft a new set of guidelines each month on aspects of peer review, and send them out to our ever growing community for comment before publishing them in the ToolKit.

We have a key role on the Steering Committee of Peer Review Week 2024 and enjoy creating a flagship event for that week to share with the community.

A bit about me…

I am an Associate Professor at the University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences, with more than 20 years of professional experience in designing open access and open science infrastructure and services organizing knowledge created by the Croatian research community. Previously, I  worked as the head of the library at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. I have an interdisciplinary background, MSc in Physics and MA  and PhD in Information Sciences gained at the University of Zagreb.

At the national level I started Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI (http://bib.irb.hr) in 1996, Who is Who in Science in Croatia (http://tkojetko.irb.hr) in 2003, and ŠESTAR – the repository of scientific equipment (http://sestar.irb.hr) in 2008. I was a member of the small team which designed and created the HRČAK repository of Croatian open access journals (http://hrcak.srce.hr) in 2006 and actively engaged in the creation of the national repository infrastructure DABAR – Digital Academic Archives and Repositories (https://dabar.srce.hr) in 2015.

I am a member of the OPERAS Executive Assembly, and Open Science MOOC Steering Committee, and I chair the program committee of the PUBMET conference on scholarly publishing in the context of open science (https://pubmet.unizd.hr) and a member of the FORCE11 Program Committee.

My research interests are in the field of open scholarly communication, more specifically in the peer review and research assessment, new trends in scholarly publishing, ethical issues, and research data. I am involved in continuous education and have taught numerous lectures and workshops for researchers, journal editors, and librarians. I have published more than 60 papers (https://www.bib.irb.hr/profile/27319).