News Update

Welcome to the EASE News Update. Check out all the latest activities you can get involved in at EASE.

EASE (The European Association of Science Editors) is an international community of editors from diverse backgrounds, linguistic traditions and professional experience who share a passion of science and scholarly communication, editing and publishing. We welcome people from around the world and in all related disciplines. Our mission is to improve the global standard and quality of science editing, by promoting the value of science editors and supporting professional development, research, and collaboration. Our many activities centre around these themes.

Read on, and we hope to see you at an EASE event soon!


Editorial School for Journal Editors

Our Editorial School for Journal Editors is underway and will run throughout April. The course runs one afternoon a week for four weeks. Each session consists of a 50 minute lecture from the speaker, followed by a moderated breakout session for about 45 minutes to discuss a case study in a smaller group, followed by a 30 minute session during which the speaker and the moderators will feedback the discussions, draw some conclusions and encourage questions and comments from participants.

Each module is recorded and made available to participants together with handbooks for easy reference.

The course has already started, but there is still time to register for the remaining modules. The course is excellent value and there are discounts for those in LMICs.

Dates: Wednesdays 3, 10, 17 and 24 April 2.00pm-4.15pm (UK time)

Module 1 – Journal structure and management
Module 2 – Publishing ethics for editors
Module 3 – Peer review process and production
Module 4 – Promotion and indexing

Book now!

We intend to run modules 5-8 in the Autumn, so if this is of interest to you, please add your name to our waiting list so we can contact you as soon as registration opens.

Spring 2024 webinar series

EASE runs a series of webinars, in Spring and Autumn. These are free to our EASE members, but you can join too. You can register and pay to join a webinar live, or if more convenient, you can buy the recording after the event and watch it at your leisure. Visit our Calendar to see forthcoming events and register. Visit our Shop to buy past events and conference packets.

Coming up…

Webinar: Macro magic!
Tuesday, 16 April, 2pm UK time
Join Jennifer Yankopolus and Paul Beverley as they show you how macros can increase your speed and accuracy and reduce repetitive strain. They will demonstrate the most useful and popular macros used by editors in this practical session.
Registration is open

Webinar: Assisting Peer Review with Technology and Large Language Models
Tuesday, 21 May, 2pm UK time
Registration will open shortly.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee – Survey results

Our EASE Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee recently hosted a webinar to feedback the results of their Survey and discuss the next steps.  A big thank you if you were one of those who took part in the Survey. Please view the recording of the webinar to see the results. Visit our EDI Community page to find out more about their activities.

If you are passionate about EDI, then please sign up to become an EDI Community Member.


Communities and Forums

Become an EASE Community Member. It’s free to join!

Each of our special interest committees and regional chapters supports a Community beyond its membership. Each Community is open to anyone from the scientific and scholarly communication and publishing industry with an interest in the topic or from the relevant region. It’s a great way to get involved.

We have communities in:

  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • SAGER (Sex and Gender Equity in Reporting)
  • Peer Review
  • 12 Regional Chapters, from Azerbaijan, right through to Vietnam

The role of our Communities is to provide a sounding board and feedback on the aspirations and activities of our special interest committees and regional chapters. You can help us spread the news of our activities and initiatives through your professional networks to ensure we reach the widest possible audience.

Sign up to one or more of our Communities to receive information about their upcoming events, activities, news and opportunities from your chosen community.

As a Community member you can participate in our Communities Forum. This is a great place to pose a tricky question or raise an issue on your favourite topic. Not all Communities have a Forum yet, but if you are interested, get in touch, you might be able to help us start one.


Visit our YouTube Channel

We also run a number of free events together with our Regional Chapters. Visit our YouTube channel, become a subscriber and make the most of the free video content there.


Featured Resource

Selecting peer reviewers in 7 steps

Our Infographic for Journal Editors, Selecting peer reviewers in 7 steps features tips on how to Consider what expertise is required, How to search and select reviewers, Check for potential competing interests, send effective invitations, and consider concepts of demographics, diversity and inclusivity.