Mr Yateendra Joshi

Standing for re-election as an Ordinary Council member

Freelance copyeditor and trainer
Pune, India
[email protected]


One of the first things I did on switching from being a researcher in agricultural sciences to becoming a manuscript editor was to join EASE, which was more than 30 years ago. EASE has helped me grow professionally, and serving it as a member of the Council has helped in some small way to repay that loan as it were. I am pleased to stand again for re-election.

I hope to speak for and represent the manuscript editors within EASE. I am the chairman of the Training Committee and am currently focused on developing the 2023 webinar series. I am closely involved in the redevelopment of the Science Editors’ Handbook and will ensure EASE adequately serves the needs of both journal editors and manuscript editors. I am particularly interested in style manuals. Typography and information design, although peripheral to editing, are also of great interest. I think of them as representing the last-mile connectivity between the author and the reader.


Career summary

By way of career summary, I worked for a short time on a farm soon after taking a bachelor’s degree in agriculture (from Pune, India); taught plant pathology for two years (1976–78) after obtaining my master’s from College of Agriculture, Dharwad (India); worked for a decade (1978–88) as a scientist with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and then made a career switch to join the publishing arm of TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) in New Delhi. During my 15 years (1989 – mid 2005) with TERI, I also worked for about a year as Senior Editor with ICRISAT, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Hyderabad, India), and then moved to Pune and worked for WISE, the World Institute of Sustainable Energy, until 2015. Since then, I have been on my own, working as a freelance copy editor and academic trainer (teaching academics how to write, publish, and present).

Read Yateen’s full CV

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