Beyond identifiers: metadata for decision making (& more)

In this EASE webinar, Helena Cousijn from DataCite, Paloma Marín-Arraiza from ORCID and Fabienne Michaud from Crossref explained the what, how and dug into the why of how identifiers and open, standardised, and machine-readable metadata help us achieve the aims above and what the implications are for editors, publishers and the wider research community.

EASE webinar: COVID-19 shocks on the research enterprise and culture

The impacts of the pandemic on the research system – policy-makers, funders, universities, and researchers themselves - have been profound. This talk will examine the movements, and apathy, towards embedding change in research practice, enterprise and culture.

EASE Webinar: How should editorial performance be monitored, evaluated and incentivised?

This session will explore the tensions between publishers and editors with regards to monitoring, evaluating and incentivising editorial performance, debating questions such as; How should article volumes be decided? What parameters should editorial teams work within? How should publishers evaluate Editors-in-Chiefs, and how should EiCs monitor and incentivise their teams?

EASE Webinar: Science Graphics

What are science graphics, how do they fit into the practice of science communication, and how can you use them to connect with different audiences?