Italian Chapter event: Medicine & the Media

In-person meeting held in Florence, Italy, which focused on Medicine and the Media, conceived and organised by Antonio Addis, Camilla Alderighi, Fabio Ambrosino, Luca De Fiore, Rebecca De Fiore, Raffaele Rasoini, Steven Woloshin for Il Pensiero Scienficico Editore, ProMIS and LSF.

EASE webinar: COVID-19 shocks on the research enterprise and culture

The impacts of the pandemic on the research system – policy-makers, funders, universities, and researchers themselves - have been profound. This talk will examine the movements, and apathy, towards embedding change in research practice, enterprise and culture.

2023 Annual Forum for Open Research in MENA (F.O.R.M.)

The second Annual Forum for Open Research in MENA (F.O.R.M.) focuses on the theme of 'Democratising Knowledge: The evolution of Open Science ecosystems and communities in the Arab world'.

UKSG November Conference 2023

Split over two half days this event brings together voices from across our sector through a programme of presentations, Q&A and facilitated panel sessions.