EASE Webinar: How should editorial performance be monitored, evaluated and incentivised?

This session will explore the tensions between publishers and editors with regards to monitoring, evaluating and incentivising editorial performance, debating questions such as; How should article volumes be decided? What parameters should editorial teams work within? How should publishers evaluate Editors-in-Chiefs, and how should EiCs monitor and incentivise their teams?

UKSG Forum 2023 returns – SAVE THE DATE!

The 2023 theme is "Everything everywhere all at once”: keeping up with our users information needs in the age of open scholarship and TikTok."

Predatory/deceptive journals and publishers: the basics

How big a problem is the rise in predatory journals and publishing? To discuss this basics of what you need to know, the Nordic Regional Chapter of EASE will host Ines Steffens, Editor-in-Chief of Eurosurveillance