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Welcome to EASE Ukraine!

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Welcome to EASE Ukraine, your gateway to an enriching journey in the world of scientific editing. Our mission aligns seamlessly with the broader goals of the URC EASE and the EASE organization, which is to elevate the global standard and quality of science editing.

At EASE Ukraine, we are committed to achieving this mission by promoting the invaluable role of science editors and facilitating their professional development, research, and collaborative initiatives. We believe that a strong scientific editing community is the cornerstone of advancing research and scholarly communication.

When you join EASE Ukraine, you gain more than just membership – you become part of a dynamic network that's passionate about raising the bar for science editing in Ukraine. Whether you're an experienced editor or just starting your journey in this field, our community welcomes you with open arms.

As a member, you'll have the opportunity to actively engage in thought-provoking forum discussions, where you can share your experiences, insights, and learn from your peers. Our forum serves as a hub for vibrant conversations, enabling you to stay informed about the latest industry trends, best practices, and innovative editing techniques.

Moreover, EASE Ukraine encourages active participation in our events and training sessions, where you can expand your knowledge and skills. We firmly believe that learning and growing together is the key to professional development.

Join EASE Ukraine Forum today and embark on a rewarding path to enhancing your editing skills and contributing to the advancement of science and research in Ukraine. Be a part of a vibrant community that shares your dedication to scientific excellence.

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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 40

Hello, I am part of the largest Ukrainian diaspora, over in western Canada. My grandparents' parents came over about 1900, like most of the Ukrainians here, until recently.

We all feel closer to you since this terrible war started... Canada has benefitted in getting more Ukrainians coming here, which is good for us but not a happy reason of course. Being Ukrainian was just sort of a personal family thing for me until the past two years, when it seems like my genes kicked in, and my whole body has been longing to somehow help over there.

I was wondering what sort of Canadian-Ukrainian initiative we might collaborate on. I don't have any particular ideas at the moment but I wanted to reach out and say hello. If you would ever like a technical writing workshop (in English), or I can do anything else, I'd be happy to. 

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Joined: 4 years ago
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Dear Christa,

Thank you so much for your heartfelt message and genuine offer to collaborate during these challenging times. It's truly touching to see your solidarity with Ukrainians.

We deeply appreciate your desire to contribute to initiatives supporting Ukraine. Your suggestion of a technical writing workshop in English is incredibly generous and aligns well with our ongoing efforts.

I will discuss your proposal with our team and explore possible avenues for collaboration. Would it be possible for you to join our next meeting and get together with our members?

Once again, thank you for reaching out and offering your support. Together, we can make a difference, no matter the geographical distance!

Best regards,
