Yateendra Joshi, India

Helping researchers write, publish, and present

EASE roles: Council member; EASE India leadership team; Copyeditor for European Science Editing; Authors/Manuscript Editors Role Group lead

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yateendra-joshi-50836b12/

It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

Visit our website to find out more about EASE: our calendar of regular webinars and courses, the benefits of membership, the work of our special interest committees and regional chapters and much more can all be found on the menu above. Head to our Home page now and follow us on our social media channels.

EASE School for Manuscript Editors and Academic Authors

I designed and delivered this four-session online training course, initially to attract members to the newly established EASE India Chapter with the aim of helping researchers, academics, technical writers and copy editors who edit technical documents make them more acceptable to journal editors and publishers, and less likely to be desk-rejected. We are planning to re-run the course again in the near future.

The course is held over four weeks, with two topics covered each week including: technical skills such as handling quantitative expressions in text, organising numerical data tables, charts, illustrations, citations and references, as well as learning to be a more effective academic writer. Read more.

I have additionally presented several webinars for EASE members and recently a learning session for the EASE India Writing Retreat entitled ‘From good to great: Elevate your manuscript to publication ready status’. View the recording.

EASE India leadership team

I am part of the EASE India leadership team, which aims to support those working in India in the following ways:

  • To promote awareness of EASE amongst the India scientific and scholarly publishing industry
  • To organise training activities and thematic meetings in India for the scientific and scholarly editing and publishing community
  • To offer training to researchers, authors, reviewers, editorial teams, editorial office staff and editorial advisory boards, thereby improving the standard and quality of scientific journals in India
  • To support scientific journals to meet international standards and get indexed in international databases
  • To represent the Indian science editing community within EASE.

Read about our activities and achievements.

EASE Training Committee; Authors/Manuscript Editors Role Group lead

I chaired the EASE Training Committee until it was reorganised into four separate Professional Role Groups in 2023. I now lead the Authors/Manuscript Editors Role Group for the initial stages of development of the Learning Hub. I will be expanding this Group into two in the near future to enable two separate teams to focus on their particular group. I will continue to lead the Manuscript Editors group.

Copyeditor for European Science Editing

I copyedit articles which are accepted for publication in the EASE Journal, European Science Editing. Generally we publish between 20 and 25 articles per year, ranging from original articles, reviews, view points and correspondence.

A bit about me…

I have been editing technical documents for more than 30 years, a career change I made after working for a decade as a scientist with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (1978–88). I was with TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) in New Delhi for 15 years, moved to Pune to work with WISE (World Institute of Sustainable Energy) in 2005, and have been a freelancer since 2007, dividing my time between freelance copy-editing and teaching.

I am an accredited editor with Diplomate status certified by the Board of Editors in Life Sciences, USA. Diplomate status is awarded only to those who demonstrate exceptional editorial proficiency (currently, only 30 editors worldwide have the diplomate status) and now I am a Member at Large of the Board of Directors of BELS. 

I was awarded Grade A in the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) examination conducted by Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge University: this is equivalent to Level C2, the highest of the six levels specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for language assessment.

I authored Communicating in Style, which was favourably reviewed in a dozen international journals and newsletters.

I originally joined EASE as a sponsored member, attended a number of EASE Conferences: Tallinn, Tours, Helsinki, Oxford, Valencia and Istanbul, and have served on Council for two terms. I developed and delivered the EASE School for Manuscript Editors and Academic Authors.