Indian Chapter webinar: Good scientific practice and research integrity: building trust in Science

The International Journal of Cancer (IJC) is the official journal of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). It has a global readership and receives over 3,000 submissions a year under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. In this webinar Manu Jain Goyal, Scientific Advisor at IJC shared her understanding and experience of research integrity at the IJC and discussed her role which is to ensure the integrity of research published in the journal.

EASE Webinar: How should editorial performance be monitored, evaluated and incentivised?

This session will explore the tensions between publishers and editors with regards to monitoring, evaluating and incentivising editorial performance, debating questions such as; How should article volumes be decided? What parameters should editorial teams work within? How should publishers evaluate Editors-in-Chiefs, and how should EiCs monitor and incentivise their teams?

Predatory/deceptive journals and publishers: the basics

How big a problem is the rise in predatory journals and publishing? To discuss this basics of what you need to know, the Nordic Regional Chapter of EASE will host Ines Steffens, Editor-in-Chief of Eurosurveillance

EASE Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Survey

This survey set out to discover your roles, policies and current practices surrounding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and your intentions going forward. Everyone across the community was encouraged to participate in this timely and important initiative. The results were presented in a webinar on 19 March 2024, which is now available to watch on the EASE YouTube channel.

EASE/ISMTE joint webinar: Untapping the potential of editorial reports

Journals and their editorial offices have an array of data at their fingertips, all of which can be utilized to improve the quality of peer review, understand post-publication content performance and better engage with author or reader communities.

EASE Awards Event 2022/23

The 2022/23 EASE Award nominees have been chosen and you can find out more about each of them here. The voting opens on 8 January and closes on 31 January, so take your time to view all the nominees and get ready to vote online in the New Year.

The winners will be announced at the annual Awards Event on 7 February 2024. We will also take this opportunity to celebrate with those members who have gained major milestones in their EASE journey.