EASE Editorial School for Journal Editors, Module 3

Module 3 of our Editorial School focusses on peer review process and production Module Summary The peer review process is often considered to be the gold standard for journals, and yet the operation of peer review remains one of the main headaches for many journal editors and their publishers. Peer review is frequently inefficient, time-consuming […]

EASE Editorial School for Journal Editors, Module 4

Module 4: Promotion and indexing Module Summary Many journals focus on the editorial duties required at the expense of promotion and visibility. This workshop looks at how busy and under- resourced editors and publishers can raise the impact of their journals and ensure their publications reach the intended audience. One of the measures of visibility […]

EASE Council

EASE Council meeting

University Press Redux Conference 2022

University Press Redux Conference 2022 to focus on diversity and sustainability Event will tackle pressing global issues Organisers aim to widen participation, both geographically and financially University Press Redux Sustainability […]