EASE Council

EASE Council meeting

Data Conversations: how to publish your research (peer review and study’s limitations)

Gerben ter Riet Acknowledging Limitations in Scientific Manuscripts The talk highlights the contextualizing role of limitations sections in the medical literature and ends with a plea for the use of sensitivity analyses, perhaps culminating in multiverse analysis. Andrew Dunn Opening peer review’s ‘black box’ What happens when you’ve submitted a manuscript to a journal for publication? What […]

Understanding and Reporting Statistics in Medicine – Module 3

Module 3: Association (including measures of risk), correlation, and regression analyses with Tom Lang, USA The third in this series of four online training modules which will introduce participants to the most common statistical procedures used in clinical research. Intended for medical writers and editors with little to no background in statistics (and perhaps a […]

EASE Editorial School for Journal Editors

This brand new four-module online training course is exclusive to EASE members, and has been designed in a collaboration between our Training Committee and our Regional Chapters. It will be delivered simultaneously in four countries, with local language support and moderation from our Chapter leadership to ensure the greatest accessibility and effectiveness of the training. […]

EASE Editorial School for Journal Editors, Module 2

Module 2: Publishing ethics for editors Session Summary Publishing ethics are a frequent concern for many journals, and the issues range from small annoyances to large-scale problems which can have […]