Session 8 – Post-acceptance manuscript editing

Session 8.4

Sunday, 26 June 11.15am-12.30pm (Valencia time)

Going beyond English at The Lancet

This session will describe why and how The Lancet journals rolled out a workflow for publishing translated versions of article summaries.

It will be of interest to manuscript editors, managing editors, production editors, EDI champions.


Zoë Mullan

Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet Global Health, and Inclusion & Diversity Lead, The Lancet Group, London,United Kingdom

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This session in full

Session 8 – Post-acceptance manuscript editing
8.1  Checking the quality of copy editing without actually reading – Yateendra Joshi, Freelancer, EASE Council (more details)
8.2  Introducing the SAGER Checklist – Yaiza del Pozo Martin and Heather van Epps, The Lancet Group (more details)
8.3  Artistic licence: artwork permission practices at The Lancet group – Danielle Gash and Chris Wortley, The Lancet Group (more details)
8.4  Going beyond English at The Lancet – Zoë Mullan, The Lancet Global Health (more details)
8.5  Maintaining scientific integrity: corrections and best practices at The Lancet Group – Ashley Cooper and Jess Dwyer, The Lancet Group (more details)
8.6  Transparency for retractions – Evelyne Decullier, Hospices Civils de Lyon (more details)