
Manuscript submission systems require you to include various declarations, with statements to confirm details such as:

  • Assurance that no part of this manuscript has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere. Ensure you inform the editor in the cover
    letter if there are any exceptions to this, e.g. a published abstract, a preprint or a translation.
  • Assurance all people listed as authors of this manuscript meet the authorship criteria, according to the journal policy on authorship and agree on the submitted version of the manuscript.
  • Assurance no person who meets the authorship criteria has been omitted.
  • For human-based studies, confirmation that the study reported in the manuscript meets the ethical principles of the WMA Declaration of Helsinki.
  • For animal-based studies, confirmation that the study reported in the manuscript meets the Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare for Veterinary Journals about humane treatment of animals and has been approved by an ethical review committee.
  • Data have been disaggregated by sex or gender (and, whenever possible, by race or ethnicity), and sex and gender considerations are properly addressed (see SAGER Guidelines for details).

Use the EASE Quick Check Table for Submission to ensure you have all the required material ready before starting your online submission.