
Describe the primary outcome, as defined in your objectives, then secondary outcomes, then any sensitivity analyses or post-hoc analyses or additional experiments that were not in your original plan.

If your study involves screening and selecting material or participants, use a flow diagram to illustrate the study profile as a figure (see CONSORT).

For studies of humans, provide demographic details, including age, sex or gender, and ethnicity, and other relevant baseline information in a table.

All tables and figures must be mentioned in the main body of the article and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.

Do not omit ‘inconvenient’ data that do not support your hypothesis. Negative or unexpected results should be reported in full.

Stay focused: do not report results that do not contribute to the story of the paper. If you think they should be published and they would not justify a separate paper, include them in an appendix (supplement).